Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Corrie tenBoom...we all know who that is right?

so im just going to use something she said and write it here:

you have a glove. and a glove itself is worthless and useless. but when you put a hand in that glove it can do so many things. it can cook, it can hold, it can type etc.

we are the glove...worthless and useless, helpless. but when Jesus fills us, just like the hand fills the glove, the glove is used to do so many things. we do things through Christ


Blogger kathleen said...


29/6/05 11:33 PM  
Blogger tarajoy said...

that's what i thought. on the way back from tdch's grad this was on the radio, a whole thing on how corrie tenboom touched peoples lives. the story of her life. another thing i thought was truly amazing:

she was in a hotel in some communist (sp?) country. she was there to minister to the people of the country. she found there was no way to speak to the people without speaking to the government. so she was praying for God to show her how she could reach the communist government. when she opened her eyes she saw, in the carpet, a few small holes. the holes were microphones. whatever anyone said in any hotel room was recorded, through those microphones, onto tape. then this tape was listened to by the hotel management and if it had anything on it that was "illegal" then they would send it to someone in government. speaking and preaching the word of God was "illegal". so corrie tenboom started to speak to the hotel management and the government about Christ. she gave them a short powerful message. (she told about what she said on the radio) corrie tenboom never really found out what happened in the government there because of her message. but there is always hope. wow. God is amazing! how he works through people like corrie tenboom and people like us.

30/6/05 10:14 AM  
Blogger kathleen said...

Yeah I did a project on her one time so i learned about her then. but she was an incredible lady.

1/7/05 9:59 PM  
Blogger Trufflehunter said...

Oh wow, that's amazing (what you said in your comment). And the quote is awesome.

8/7/05 10:33 PM  

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