Tuesday, December 06, 2005

what i want to do with my life; from
a to z

a) touch a life/lives
b) speak: french, gaelic, dutch, spanish
c) travel to everywhere on my list -- list in progress
d) write down my best memories
e) swim across a lake
f) swing all night with a good friend
g) dance
h) ride in the olympics -- or maybe just ride again
i) play hide and seek in a corn field
j) own a horse/pony
k) live in a masterpiece of a house
l) go rock climbing
m) sleep on a beach
n) learn more
o) ski down a mountain
p) be the first to walk through a huge snowy field
q) "be in two places at once"
r) fall in love
s) marry
t) be written to
u) organize my thoughts
v) run regularly
w) revisit places
x) keep in touch with the right people
y) move away (then back)
z) fufill His plan

song stuck in headd:

"celebrate good times..come on!!!"



Blogger tarajoy said...

brent-- to all your "dones: fine!

h) run..id like that too
m) who cares!!?
q) another person who hasnt seen "a walk to remember". come on! lol
r) if i make a habit of falling (not necessarily in love) then id learn quicker wouldnt i?
t) ya probably
y) to add interest...to experience..etc etc.

song stuck in my head:

"you've got it stuck in my heaaa--ad"

9/12/05 9:35 PM  
Blogger Tala Azar said...

aaaah you took my idea brent. -_-

i've a, g, k, l, m, n, p, q (in the kalahari desert we were in south africa and namibia i think), r, t, u (somewhat... tho i'd say theyre mostly a mess), w, x, y (which sucks, btw...), and z because God's will IS done. i dont know if i've done it right but... oh well

the rest... not really. maybe d, on my blog a while back. they weren't my best memories, just some really important ones about moving from SA and all that. you can find it:

1. http://www.permanenttattoo.blogspot.com/2005_06_01_permanenttattoo_archive.html#111853299753740882

2. http://www.permanenttattoo.blogspot.com/2005_06_01_permanenttattoo_archive.html#111859939335287072


my old writing embarrasses me when im writing stuff about what i did that day. so dont read the other posts... :P

i want to b (and arabic, since i AM arabic or... lebanese, w/e), c (there's eternity for that too), f, i (heard you can die doing that tho.. ;) some old geezer told me that when i wanted to), j, k (what is a masterpiece? i like our house... i dont want a mansion... maybe i do... not a fancy one... i like old-ish chandeliers a lot tho... maybe a big old house where you find a new room every few years rofl RIGHT... ahhh dream of dreams... i want to run a l'abri when i grow up... thought about that more lately. you know what that is?), n, o (snowboard down a mountain - i have done but i want to do it more), s, u, v, z.

wonderful list

9/12/05 11:22 PM  
Blogger tarajoy said...

a lot of people have come from south africa. one of my old teachers did. and a bunch of other people i know.

masterpiece -- something original. not necessarily huge. just original.

and i missed an important one...

(what comes after z?)
__) go to university..and graduate of course.

10/12/05 10:23 AM  
Blogger kathleen said...

alright. i love lists so yup just gonna follow the crowd here :P.

a) "I wanna see miracles, see the world change, wrestled an angel for more than a name, for more than a feeling, for more than a cause" (okay basically yup, i want the same thing).
b) oh me too!!!! i love languages except maybe not gaelic because well i've never planned on learning it before...
c)everywhere on my list is like everywhere because i've been like nowhere so yeah but me too.
d) yeah i wanna write them down too but i love talking about them more, which i have done.
e)hmmm yeah i've done that but the lake wasn't very big. but that's wonderous. i love doing it. now i miss summer.. and hiking... and camping... and canoeing... and ackkkk
f)me too
g)well sorta... depends really... i don't know.
h)welll i used to have this dream of doing synchro in the olympics but yno, that's never gonna happen so yeah
i)hahhaha yeah!!!
j)never been in to the whole horse riding thing. but everyone else seems to love it. so maybe there's something i'm missing
k)yeah me too, and you dear, are gonna design it for me ;)
l)ohhh that would be fun!!!
m)hmm personally not as much
n)life would be boring if we never learnt anything
o)yeah me too
p)i think i've done this one... make it more interesting and do it in your bare feet (yeah i've done that also).
q)hehehe. well i've joked around doing this one. walk to remember is a great movie... regardless of it's chickflickiness. but it's sorta unoriginal now.
r)yeah me too *sigh*. eventually.
t)ohhh definitely this one. except add one word: regularly. though i do get somewhat written regularly and when i don't it's my own fault
u)hmmm i'll think about this one. i'm not sure if i want that.
v)well i swim regularly so that's good enough. heh. sorta. but yeah i'd like to exercise regularly
w)well this would kind of tie in with y) because i've never really been much of anywhere but i know there are places i'll eventually want to "revisit"
x) oh me too. what overwhelms me is the amount of people i need to keep in touch with.
y) yup want to, too.
z) exactlly

and this is why i end up never blogging... b/c i spend so much time on commenting.

10/12/05 10:57 AM  
Blogger tarajoy said...


p) bare feet! eep!...collld
q) chick flicks are great. except that they're all the same. but a walk to remember is sad. thats one of the reasons i liked it. i like movies that make me cry.
w) i mean places..like regular places. with memories attached. kinda sappy. but you know...
x) i realized that i could make a list of at least 20 people...in our school alone...that i havent kept in touch with. ick!

10/12/05 2:40 PM  

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