Wednesday, August 09, 2006

from the personal notebook of a sixteen year old Try-Too-Hard.
Inside Scoop.(IS for short) - when writing is frowned upon.

1. waiting for someone to come 'round the corner and let me run to them and they spin me. when: we were staring at the sky and saw a shooting star and he spun me, picked me up and spun me.

2. dont let me be a burden. ta ya and ya.

3. boys are sensitive too.

4. sitting 'round the fire: one's humming, he stops and the other whistles, she stops and i sing. thats a summary of the joy transfered. joy circulated up and around every language {broken} barrier.

5. a tent of any size is an excellent place to write a story. that being said, i have to justify in my mind and therefore on paper why i am two feet from a tent and not in it, writing. three reasons: my tent zipper is broken, im on an anti-anti-social streak, and the sun is finally come alive. (at nearly the same time as i bought my sunny yellow rainjacket, whish is another story, which goes like this: it starts with a little bit...a lot...of pouring rain, and me without a raincoat. when im at the point where my hair is sticking up in little frizzy curly cues, which im told are cute, but which /i/ think are positively revoltin. or maybe not quite that positive, but at least a little bit icky. i run towards the nearest shelter. which just happens to be, fortunetly and quite conveniently enough, one of those log cabins with a red painted sign, that, if you read between the lines says, "i sell raincoats to all the weary and borken hearted, catch me if you can!" while im waiting for the strom to run along, i try on every shape, colour, and size raincoat that this little...big...outfitters holds. of course i despise them all, but as it continues to pour, i become more and more desperate and settle for a bright, but soft, yellow raincoat. i prepare myself for my next, undesired shower, and pretend to scan the tag on the sleeve of my new, /also/ undesired, jacket. the door slams and my head bogs right off the heart of another. the other tells me that in all of the rain, i am the sun in my yellow rainjacket. now answer me this: why is that so reoccuring, but as well, undesirable in amongst all the other lies...or perhaps not lies, but hasty expressions of slow-coming truth?

6. i wandered off, probably in search of solitude. had my head down on the ground but still tripping over the roots as my mind was floating around in a little story of its on. also tripped on a rotten board, hopped around, compared my foot size to the size of the wet foot print on the same rotten board, and pondered on the background of my little story...which i would tell if i could remember the details. then i lost myself on a log, threw away my map, and found peace.

peace is when my head's story ends and when my innocent thoughts of when i lived witout and before certain people in my life and lo ve and hate they brought and before those silly teenage doubts fill my head return. found a pretty something that stuck from the water, then reflected in the same water, creating a beautiful star that im sure the group of seven must have found, stole my thoughts from the future, and my eyes, and painted.

7. call the national gaurd if you bit a lip, breath wakened air past midnight.

8. face it honey, love lies across the ocean.

9. 'say the first thing in your head when you see me.' - snow patrol

10. everyone has their safe topics...which provide the edges of their necessary sheiled. behind the sheild, truth grasps the sheilds handhold. if you're skilled enough, have the proper knights training, you may be able to wiggle the sheild from your opponent and thus be presented with a vulnerable, perhaps cowardly, perhaps brave, child. but no matter how cowardly or brave, still a child. now if you're this childs perfect knight. (step right up) you may even be presented with the opportunity to be elevated high enough to be knighted a safe knight. the childs safe knight.

11. confrontation is the most difficult with:
a)people you dont know
b)people you're associated with through your parents
c)people older than you
d)people who hate confrontation
e)people younger than you

12. T or F. : it's better to accept someone for their faults and accept their faults than to confront them with you "dissatisfaction" ((exaggerated))

13. Tara Joy prefers a:

14. words without words. woorden zonder woorden - de kast

15. new game: see how close you can get to someone in 3 and a half weeks. then see how quickly they can leave.

eh john!,
tickle joy.


Blogger Tala Azar said...

1. ah, yes. i dream of that too.
2. i wouldn't LET you be a burden, i would ASK you to be one.
3. and now we know. hahaha. actually. ever noticed how people think boys are intimdated by smart girls? where EVER did that come from? i suppose it's slightly true, but if it is it's doubly insulting to any boy with a brain out there, or pride, for that matter. i think it should be changed to: stupid people are intimdated by smart people. or, people who feel lesser than people who feel superior are intimidated by people who feel superior. lol, and that makes both parties at fault.
4. mmm :) reminds me of something i must remember to blog about
5. at night, maybe. it's stinking hot any other time. did that really happen? a yellow raincoat. how wonderfully awkward.
6. love, PEACE, and drugs. not.
7. ?
8. yes, yes it does.
9. okay. if i remember. if i do, it will probably be, 'oh, remember to say the first thing that comes into your head.' wait, was that the point? lol wow, kill me now.
10. oh, that's pretty. i never used to like ambulances... do i ever now.
11. agh, d) for sure. it's always 'i'm sorry' and then you feel bad and then forget you mentioned it.
12. true until it gets to a point where they are taking advantage of you constantly. depends if their faults ... depends blahhh you know.
13. um... sunset? well, tala does, anyway.
14. next
15. maybe.

10/8/06 7:01 PM  
Blogger Hannah Strauss said...

i like sunrise better. only since i can see them out my window though. you know what's funny? the way people think they know other people. it goes both ways actually, you can know much much more about a person than they think, and you can also, not. for instance, i don't know you very well, but i'm already jealous of you and your writing, and i also already love you. in the sensible sense of that word, in the neighbourly way, the common and far more... healing? if thats the right word, sort of love. know what i mean?
its so silly and tiresome, whenever i see something pretty and good, there goes me with the -it must be MINE-.
well, i hope you are enjoying your summer. i am not spending any time on the computer because my house and people and neighbourhood are far to enchanting. i would like to get to know you better, because i don't really. good-bye.

10/8/06 10:05 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

3. Any guy with a brain probably is afraid of smart girls. Because they scare us. Because they can get into your head and make you feel vulnerable. And as much as you want to be vulnerable -- it still scares me like nothing else.

6. But being a teenager is totally about all that. It's the best part. Being scared of everything you do, but not regretting it. Even if it blows up in your face. Give it a shot. If you regret it, it'd only be ironic.

8. It really does. Too bad you'll never get over it.

9. Say what you want, but I know what you're thinking - Copeland

10. Sometimes there's nothing better than being able to hide. And sometimes there's nothing worse than someone else turning you inside out. Some things should be buried.

11. b) Because you are in no way entitled to speak on their life. Granted, you do it anyway, but you're putting the relationship between them and your parents in danger. If it only affects you, then you can go for it.

12. False.

13. Sunrise.

14. Tout est juste dans l'amour et la guerre. C'est ça.

15. So far, I've yet to win. Tag.

11/8/06 2:09 AM  
Blogger kathleen said...

yay i got a dose of tara!!

i liked reading this... as normal.

you'd think i have something more to say. i'll think of some comments that i'll probably regret later.

1. i'm waiting for someone to come 'round the corner and let me run to them and they spin me, but then to just lie in a field watching shooting stars. and in silence let the love flow. in silence say nothing. in silence hold hands. in silence smile such a pure deep love. in silence now that there is nothing ever able to seperate you from each other's love. (can you tell i'm missing my close friends?)

2. everyone seems to become a burden to me. your pain is my pain, ja. i simply care too much. but that's how i like to live... caringly.

3. i'm intimidated by smart boys too. but i'm not intimidated by really nerdy guys.

4. sounds so like you.

5. i have yet to be in a tent this summer. hmm i want to see this raincoat. it sounds like something i would hate at first but later learn to love just because i have it. plus, hiking in the rain is always a drag, i could use a raincoat.

6. i love how peace is different for everybody. peace is just that amazing.

7. it's okay when you don't understand what people are talking about when it sounds beautiful.

8. i'd like to be in the air that lies above the ocean. so filled with love, wonder, and mystery.

9. hmm i'm thinking that next time i do that it will be probably screams and I MISS I MISS I MISS YOU and I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE YOU

10. "everyone has their safe topics" i like that line. it brings a lot of thoughts.

11. f) all of the above. i'm not saying confrontation is exceptionnally hard, just in some of those cases it can be.

12. you see there's this line... (enough said.)

13. sunrise?

14. i feel as if i should add a line in here containing spanish. well as i'm studying for my theory exam that is... (TOMORROW AHHH) i'll leave you with something German.

langsam (and) mit Ausdruck

15. that sucks. i'd rather not play... oh but i can forsee it happening still in my life. maybe not in that time frame, but getting close to people and not seeing them in a longgg time. oh heck, it happens all the time when you live in g-town.

(oh but i'm in a joyous mood, i'm in a joyous mood. i'm having a grand time, i just wish i planned it all a little differently)

11/8/06 8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. the dream of a friend which i also share: to be one half of an elderly couple sitting at the breakfast table and no one says anything and that's ok because each understands the other perfectly anyways
2. sometimes your best memories are of people who carried you for a while and asked you to do the same
3. you mean you don't think its a good thing when boys think they have to be unemotional walls and girls think they have to be anorexically thin and pretend to be less intelligent 'cause they think that's what boys want? guess someone's too cool to conform to the whims of society
4. if only bad moods didn't spread so much quicker
5. it's good to be someone's little ray of sunshine. sometime's you never realize just whose life you're brightening up a little
6. one of my greatest fears is that one day i'll wake up and think that all those little moments i used to savour were little more than childish nonsense. i hope that never happens
7. sometimes i can't get to sleep. everything seems so much more dramatic late at night
8. cheer up, love's also the boat that'll get you there
9. sometimes what you're most afraid to say is what the other person needs to hear most
10. when you really truly know someone even your safe topics make you vulnerable
11. did you know if re-arrange 'confrontation' you can spell 'fact torn onion'?
12. false
13. sunrise. though your sunrise is some one else's sunset. maybe they prefer sunsets
14. see number 1
15. always love a game i'm good at

12/8/06 3:26 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

1. ah, kris.

12/8/06 5:10 PM  
Blogger Tala Azar said...

3. i'm intimidated by nerds, cuz i'm scared there are people who think of me the way i think of them (which is true for everyone, abstractly). vulnerability... yno what scares me like nothing else? the unknown. same thing?

12. what about unconditional love?
is it all about 'me?'
marriage/family/true friendship is about accepting people's faults to a certain point.

outside of that, it's false.

15/8/06 1:36 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

acceptance is fine. letting someone get away with something that's causing others "dissatisfaction" is not.

15/8/06 7:55 PM  
Blogger tarajoy said...

tala: 2. i wouldn't LET you be a burden, i would ASK you to be one.??
hannah: you're cute. and i wore red crocs today. reminded me of you. annd--i think i get your definition of that love (yes!)
(a)ndy: im seeing a bit of a theme in you. ha! caught'ch-ya! and i wanna hear about 'ah, kris'.
kathleen: enjoy the none-dosage-ness of tara while you can. annd: 15. does it ever! gosh!
darryl: if a sunrise is someone elses sunset. then i dont ever have to choose.

15/8/06 8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'ah, kris' was because the friend i mentioned in number one is kris, and i guess andy knows this.

and no. i dont suppose you do after all, not if you can get a two for one deal. maybe that means your perfect moment will come sooner than you think.

15/8/06 10:31 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

you can't sense a theme if there is none. i thought.

maybe not.

anyway, i thought i read 'elton john.'
i was wrong.

and yes, it was kris.

16/8/06 2:17 AM  
Blogger Janelle said...

hey taraa. i dont have time to comment about the whole post cause i've got to go soon, but i just wanted to say hi and that i miss you, gosh why must we live so far away from eachother? sigh. well i hope you're having an awesome summer :) <3

16/8/06 11:39 AM  
Blogger Tala Azar said...

2. hahahaha, i'm just being a dork

16/8/06 2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. sounds like a common wish of girls everywhere.

8. dang.

15. ouch, don't know how popular that would be.

(ps. you write in a way that makes you want to keep reading, can't think of the word for that right now.. but 'tis good!)

16/8/06 4:15 PM  
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