Wednesday, September 27, 2006

left to die.

and i hate when things are over.
believe me or not, but being isolated on an island in the absolute middle of no where is so much more comforting than being around here. being there, it felt like nothing else in the world mattered for the simple reason: it felt like nothing else in the world existed. i was quite pleased with the circle around us and the presense. a horrible feeling...coming home to lonely. so now im here left to die, put me on a scale at the moment of my death and you'll see the scale lighten, my soul is gone up to heaven, somewhere higher than here cause this is hell, we cant get much lower. dieing to my old self. dieing away from a year ago. dieing away from the memories that melt me and disguise me as a way too young, love-stricken teenager. --give me that matress you've got sir, and ill pound the living daylight out of it. worse than you ever could, because i /will/ be treated well. kissed.
your used up and not cared or carried.

your all-made-up
ps. left to die is more peaceful than imagined.

if i told you my password you'd cry.
running away from the inescapable.
happy birthday to the miserable.
i got the moment for conversation! my well-deserved time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the say it's 4 grams you lose when you die and your soul takes off for good.

it's always interesting when the environment outside finally matches what you're feeling inside.
i couldn't escape a trapped feeling on that wind torn island any more than i can escape the trapped feeling of any other day.

don't get me wrong, there are some nice memories. but hey... call me a glass half empty kind of guy if you want. i think the moments that stick with you are those when the rains pouring down, as miserable outside as you are inside, the pack's as heavy as that 4 grams of soul that'll tip the balance when you're gone, and those little thoughts of railing against God start to creep into your head. not because you're particularly angry at him or anything but because you wonder if maybe, just maybe if you piss him off enough he'll do you the favour of striking you down on the spot and give you a one way ticket out of your hell on earth.

someday ill lose it and break my mattress too. he pounded it because the world wasnt fair. you'll give it the beating of a lifetime cause the world's too complicated and you just can't make up your mind. i'll whip mine good and it'll be because my mind's been long made up and it didn't make any difference whatsoever to whatever it is thats weighing me down with the rain pouring down around me.
at least i can look forward to my pack being lighter some day.

4 grams lighter.

27/9/06 10:32 PM  
Blogger j said...

wow. when i got home it was so weird. it felt like i didn't live here anymore.. like i'm just staying here for a while and then going to a different place.. wow that trip was amazing though. i saw God's creation everywhere and it was seriously amazing and beautiful .. wow.

28/9/06 3:58 PM  
Blogger Johanna just caught a tear from the sky said...

i woulda thought your soul would weigh more than 4 grams... considering its so much deeper than your physical body...? ah well

theres no place like an island to feel most at ease and social. Returning after a long "journey" always makes me dissatisfied with everything, i think it's because man was created for better than this... "world" and somewhere deep inside, our souls can tell us now and then, that this rushed and hectic life isn't for us.

28/9/06 4:17 PM  
Blogger Tala Azar said...

everything we want we can find somewhere else, but it comes with other problems. like in africa, where time slows down, but you don't know the next time you'll get robbed or gunned down...

young love... i don't know. i think it would be convenient if you lived within walking distance and you didn't have awkward moments... ugh....... don't get me started. i guess convenience is more valuable than i once thought. :S

angry with God. i get it that when i haven't 'spent time' with God, the moment He chooses to show up always makes me angry and hurt. similar to when i want to be forgiven by someone but i'm too proud.

good bye

28/9/06 5:03 PM  
Blogger Tala Azar said...

what i meant to say was... maybe i'm beginning to think conveniece is more valuable than i thought... and that it's easy for me to say that, because i feel like the best things are the convenient. i must be blind to something to think that.

28/9/06 5:05 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

that poem was... something...

30/9/06 11:25 PM  
Blogger tarajoy said...

not a poem

1/10/06 9:30 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

i appologize for my inaccurate analysis of proper nouns.

hope the point wasn't missed.

1/10/06 5:15 PM  

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