Thursday, September 29, 2005

Okay so the sky is blue, and I can see the clouds. But the sun went down over an hour ago and the streetlights are on. And I think Id say it were noon if the moon shone brighter.
So I’ve realized that the end of summer love and the abrupt need for mittens aren’t the only things I need to get used to as October decides to come around


Wednesday, September 28, 2005


my shoulder hurts from banging into the door frame one too many times
i like to know what that button does
sometimes i sing off key
on -- the french one
never 256
a loop at the end of my braid
one wheel
that tree on my front lawn that wont grow
a list like this
special words
a trip with an unknown destination
phone calls from those people who never call
singular sometimes and plural sometimes
quote on quote
i dont know
the absense of rings on my fingers
a rose garden
an empty corner
a full corner
5 senses
when people notice things that i didnt
homeroom just cause everyone else hates it, but im really not contradictory
squinted eyes
brown and green, but why dont i like turtles
grandmothers and rocking chairs, especially the one at mcmichael
class, not the school one
round things that become "unrounded"
little containers
unknown reasons and reasons that are made up when its over
hidden thoughts, and metaphors, not simile

Saturday, September 24, 2005

my dutch so far:

luchthaven- airport
and- en
(school)play- toneelstuk(you say: tonailstuk)
biking- fietsen(you say: feetsen)
i am- ik ben
i got- ik heb
school- school
bus- bus
train- trein
mother- moeder
vader- father
doei- bye
hallo- hello
koningin van de diamanten- queen of diamonds

Friday, September 23, 2005

and for "good times sake":

i want to get something i dont want only to see how much i needed it
i want to spend a day as a pessimist so i can see what a blessing it is to be an optimist
i want to speak french
i want to have a dream come true
i want to make lists
i want to live without a watch
i want to laugh until im sick
i want to like napolean dynamite
i want to listen to elvis presley too many times
i want to swing all night
i want to lie in the street and watch the traffic light change in a small town
i want to not forget the people suffering around the world
i want to keep my old friends
i want to easily make new friends
i want to fall in love
i want to hug a tree in protest against...something
i want to never use capitals
i want to have a pen pal and never loose touch
i want to live a soap opera
i want to be dramatic
i want to watch the moon with you
i want to sit on a rock in the middle of a lake
i want to finish this list

i want to live happily ever after

Saturday, September 17, 2005

ive got this feeling i can't get rid of and im not sure if i want it.
its like someone's holding something just beyond your reach.
have you ever watched the moon?
thursday night: the moon was foggy, the clouds do that sometimes, the weather was the same as my mood. what's that called again?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

what made my day: the red and green story

that's rather pathetic..(not the story..the creation of the day)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

the sound of music
la mélodie du bonheur

“do, le do, il a bon dos
ré, rayon de soleil d’or
mi, c’est la moitié d’un tour
fa, c’est facile à chanter
sol, la terre où vous marchez
la, l’endroit où vous allez
si, c’est siffler comme un merle
et ça nous ramène à do, do, do, do…”


three worst times to have the hiccups:
  1. when making a speech
  2. when cutting a diamond
  3. when in church

Saturday, September 10, 2005

happy birthday kathleen!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

1. The capability of eliciting intense interest or of being very attractive.
2. The state of being intensely interested or attracted: listened in fascination.
3. An intensely interesting, attractive quality or trait.

i am fascinated by water.
how often does this happen?
how many times is everything going to occur over again and turn out sour?
how come i give the right ideas away and keep all the wrong ones?
how do i have it in me to ask all these questions that all have no meaning but one?

Sunday, September 04, 2005

i like italics

today is the first day of the rest of your life

procrastination is the art of keeping up with eysterday

dont become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit right in without thinking. instead, fix attention on God, you'll be changed from the inside out.

when walking to the valley of shadows, remember a shadow is cast by a light